Jocelyn Paonita Pearson

Scholarship expert, blogger.

Jocelyn Paonita Pearson is a big believer in avoiding debt in order to be able to live the life you want to live. Today, one of the most suffocating debts people face is student loan debt; however, Jocelyn now helps other students and families limit the amount they have to borrow in the first place.

Jocelyn founded The Scholarship System to share her own experience of graduating from college with zero student loans. When college looked unaffordable for Jocelyn, she sprang into action and secured over $126,000 in college scholarships, even receiving an overage check for expenses. It wasn’t an easy process, however. It took her years to figure out exactly what to do to be selected for scholarships.

Because of graduating debt-free, Jocelyn has had the opportunity to invest in a rental property, travel, start her own business, move to a Caribbean island and much more, and now hopes to (be able to) retire early with her husband.

Experiencing the freedom and opportunity she has had because of graduating debt free, she became passionate about helping others do the same. She compiled her tips and strategies of securing 6-figures in scholarships and created The Scholarship System: 6 Steps to Quickly Secure Scholarship for College, which quickly became an Amazon Best-Seller. Since then, she has turned her book into an online course for parents and students which has now helped families secure over $1M in scholarships and growing, helping students work towards a debt-free education.

Jocelyn is from Charleston, South Carolina but currently lives in Curacao, a Caribbean island, with her husband, Donny, and their pleasantly plump dog named Jaffe.

There is a scholarship out there for everyone – you just have to know where to find it.
— Jocelyn Pearson

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A documentary about the FIRE movement and one family's quest to achieve financial independence and retire early. Available on the following:

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A perfect follow up on the film to dive deeper into the philosophies and "how-tos of the FIRE movement"
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Reading material

We have assembled the foundational information to get your start on the right foot down the FIRE path to financial independence.

The Role of Frugality in FIRE

Dive into the transformative world of financial independence with a refreshing take on frugality versus being cheap. Embrace the art of living well without living beyond your means, and find out how being frugal, not cheap, can unlock the door to your financial liberation.

Understanding the 4% Rule

Retirement withdrawal strategies are anything but one-size-fits-all. For many FIRE fans, determining how much to withdraw each year requires a balance between ensuring your savings last and meeting your current financial needs.

The Importance of Savings Rate in FIRE

Explore the essential role of savings rate in the FIRE movement for achieving financial independence and early retirement. Learn how to balance frugality, investment strategies, and lifestyle to accelerate your journey towards financial freedom.